8-Minute Before Bed Workout That Can Help You Lose Weight


Working out before going to bed sounds pretty weird, let’s face it. Besides it is considered if you are working out before going to bed you may have troubles with falling asleep since your organism is too active.

Yet we have something completely different in mind. This 8-minute workout before going to be now only will make you sleep like a baby but will also help you lose weight in your sleep. All jokes aside, this set of exercises will boost up your metabolism which in its turn will help the fat burning processes. Besides the chance that you will be all sweaty and out of breath after that is close to zero.

We know you are in doubt but just 8 minutes before bedtime every day and you will see the amazing result! Perform these 5 simple exercises for 30 seconds.

1. Cat Pose

2. Lower Belly Lifts

3. Windshield Wiper Abs

4. Cobra Pose

5. Side Spinal Stretches

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