Cherry Pie Bars for a crowd
Cherry Pie Bars for a crowd For the Bars: 1 1/2 cups butter, softened 3 cup granulated sugar 1 1/2 teaspoon salt 5 large eggs...
Cherry Pie Bars for a crowd For the Bars: 1 1/2 cups butter, softened 3 cup granulated sugar 1 1/2 teaspoon salt 5 large eggs...
Potatoes are a versatile and beloved ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes. Whether you prefer them mashed, roasted, or fried, there’s...
If you like Black Forest Gateaux and you like Cheesecake then this one is for you. It’s super easy to make, no bake and a...
Easy Chicken Cobb Salad with the Best Homemade Cobb Salad Dressing!!!! Ingredients Chicken Cobb Salad Ingredients: 12 oz beef bacon 2 medium head romaine lettuce...
PIZZA PASTA BAKE is perfect for feeding a crowd or freezing for busy nights. It’s a baked pasta with your favorite pizza toppings mixed in...
“Wait. Why am I thinking about Krispy Kremes? We’re supposed to be exercising.” -Meg Cabot You may have noticed that we always start our articles...
Banana-Pudding-Cake-Cup *ingredients: °1 (46 ounce) banana pudding mix (not instant) °Milk required on the pudding box °1 liter heavy whipping cream °1/4 cup powdered sugar...
These healthy turmeric gummies made with honey and coconut oil are a great way to help fight off colds, flu, sore throat and cough. It’s...
If you have a sweet tooth, but you tend to eat healthier, you will be happy to try the following avocado chocolate cake, as it...
This vegetable belongs to the cruciferous family of vegetables but is often overshadowed by its green cousin broccoli. However, cauliflower deserves a regular rotation in...