Joke Of The Day: A Young Family Moved Into A House Next Door To An Empty Plot
A young family moved into a house next door to an empty plot. One day, a gang of building workers turned up to start building...
A Husband Telephones His Wife
“Hello!” “Hey honey, this is daddy. Is mommy near the phone?” “No daddy, she’s upstairs jn the bedroom with uncle Jake.” “But you don’t have...
He Asks His Father
Little Johnny Fell In Love, so he asks his father. Son: “Daddy, I fell in love and want to date this awesome girl!” Father: “That’s...
An Old Couple Were Celebrating 50 Years.
A husband and his wife were celebrating 50 years together. Their three kids, all very successful, all agreed to a Sunday dinner in their honour....
2-year-old sweet floppy dog meets 95-year-old and they can’t be separated
In Mount Vernon lives a pair of neighbors with nothing separating their houses – no fence, no barrier, only grass between them. And the reason...
She Walked Into A Bank With A Bag Of Cash. How She Got It? Hilarious.
She Walked Into A Bank With A Bag Of Cash. How She Got It? Hilarious. A little old lady went into the headquarters of the...
Walmart Joke
So I am at Walmart scanning and bagging my almost $300 worth of groceries while the employee that wants $15 an hour “monitors” and then...
David Spade Donates Thousands to Viral Burger King Employee
David Spade seems moved by the Burger King employee who got a mediocre goodiebag as a recognition of 27 years without missing work … give him...