A Hotel Guest Calls The Front Desk.
A hotel guest calls the front desk from his room on the eighth floor. The call is picked up by the clerk at the reception...
A hotel guest calls the front desk from his room on the eighth floor. The call is picked up by the clerk at the reception...
A married man was having an affair with his secretary when, one day, they took off for her house for some alone time. Exhausted from...
A man at work calls home and his 8 years old daughter picks the phone: “Hi honey,this is daddy.Is mommy near the phone?” “No daddy...
In Mount Vernon lives a pair of neighbors with nothing separating their houses – no fence, no barrier, only grass between them. And the reason...
Are customers always right?This question is very common to all business establishments that offer services or merchandise. Businesses that cater to a hefty number of...
Maria was a 19 year old Mexican maid who worked for a wealthy Californian couple. She wasn’t well paid, and one day she asked her...
David Spade seems moved by the Burger King employee who got a mediocre goodiebag as a recognition of 27 years without missing work … give him...
On a hot Friday morning, a wealthy father took his son on a trip in the suburban areas to show his son what it’s like...
This man follows his wife every morning without her knowing. Sounds strange doesn’t it? It’s not because he doesn’t trust her. In fact, his reason...
Ugly is an unappealing term. Especially since it has no significance. The concept of beauty – and its polar opposite – has morphed and stretched...