Roses belong to the Rosa genus, which encompasses approximately 350 currently registered species. Countless varieties and more than thirty thousand cultivars. The species of the genus Rosa are popularly known as rosebush, rose (because of the flower), rosehip or tapaculo (because of its fruit). Roses are chosen for decoration, especially for the beauty of their flowers. This plant has acquired great ornamental value in gardening and is considered one of the most beautiful flowers in the world.
Roses have a reputation for being difficult plants to care for as well as difficult to propagate. Today we will show you a simple breeding alternative: grow roses with a simple stem.

Types of rose cuttings
Cuttings are simply pieces of rose stems. Rose cuttings can be obtained from the new stems of the current year. They are usually classified into 3 types, which are:
The cuttings of soft stems: they are the ones that take root more quickly and in an easier way. They are obtained in late spring and early summer, which is when the new stems begin to mature. Soft-stemmed cuttings are of better quality from 15-centimeter stems. These are obtained from the bottom of flowers that have lost their petals.
Semi-Hard Stem Cuttings – These are taken in late summer and early fall when the new stems have partially matured.
Hard-stemmed cuttings : These are the slowest and most difficult to root, and are taken in late fall or early winter when the new stems have matured, hardened and gone into hibernation.
The planting site
The cuttings should be planted immediately after being cut, so the place where they are to be planted must be prepared in advance. Introduce the cuttings directly in an area of the garden that is previously prepared, or in pots that are deep.
To plant in a garden, the chosen place must receive abundant sunlight, but indirectly to avoid burning the cuttings. The places located to the north and east are perfect to facilitate root growth. If the soil where they are going to be planted is too dense, you can add a small amount of sand so that the new roots can grow without too much effort. Planting holes should be about 15 centimeters.
If you decide to plant your cuttings in pots, plant them at a depth of 15 centimeters. This is done in order to give the roots enough room to grow. It is recommended that the substrate be composed of equal parts of coarse sand and perlite or vermiculite. Water the mixture once you finish the process.

How to reproduce roses by cuttings?
- Take cuttings from plants that are healthy, during the morning hours. Take the stems that are between a wilted flower and the base of the rose bush.
- Remove the wilted flower and stem tip.
- Make a cut just above the first set of leaves at the top and then just above the last set of leaves at the bottom of the stem.
- Take the cuttings and put them in water.
- Cut each stem into 15-centimeter-long pieces. You must ensure that each cut has 4 nodes (these are the points from which the leaves grow).
- Remove all but the top leaves from each cutting.
- Moisten and insert the bottom of each cutting into its own hole. Each hole should have fertilizer and rooting hormones, you can get it at a nursery.
- Before inserting the cutting. Insert the cutting into the hole just enough to cover the bottom half and at least two of the nodes. Then add soil around it.
Rose care
- Keep moist and avoid direct sun. The ideal temperature should be between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius. If necessary, cover the cuttings with plastic or build a small greenhouse. You can also use a large glass jar, inverted over the cutting, or you can use a plastic bottle without a lid and with the bottom cut off.
- Water the soil regularly to keep it moist, but not waterlogged.
- If the cuttings are in pots, place a plastic bag on top. Water as needed to keep the soil moist. Make sure the plastic bag does not rest on top of the cuttings. To guarantee this, you can locate wooden sticks to build a tent that covers them, without the plastic touching them.
- Most cuttings take 10-14 days to root. To find out, you just have to very gently pull the cuttings to see if there is already resistance, which will happen if the roots have already grown and have entered the soil.
- When there are already strong roots, you can apply algae-based fertilizer. If necessary, when the roots have settled and the plants have grown, you can transplant your new rose bushes into a larger container.
To take into account
Some rose bushes take root more quickly than others. This is directly related to the variety of the rosebush. However, if you follow the directions. You can propagate your plants without problem. Cheer up!