15 exciting new ab exercises that beat crunches


Almost every woman, oh stop it…all women all over the world dream of having flawless abs, like female pop stars. Thanks to the beautiful shape of this part of your body, you can wear crop tops and short blouses, and also show all your chic curves in that hot bikini. However, we have a question:

What do you do to have the abs of your dreams?

You will surely answer that you are doing crunches. But do you know that this is not enough? Your abdominals are part of your core, which provide stability to the spine. When you do crunches, you focus only on the front of your abs (your six-pack). And now attention…it is only 30 percent of your core.

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In order to have a pop star tummy, you also need to work your internal and external obliques, and the transverse abdominis, the muscle underneath the obliques. And working your abs should be part of a larger core or strength routine, not just doing your favorite crunches. Today, in our article, we have prepared a list of 15 exciting new ab exercises that beat your favorite crunches. Choose 2-3 exercises from this list and add them to your current legs, arms or full-body strength workout routine. Do them at the end of your workout for 15 to 20 minutes to gain the most benefit.

The most important thing in achieving ideal six-pack abs aka a strong core, you must feel a real burn during your training. Sets and reps are not as important as what you will feel and see in the future, remember this.

#1. Dog Ab Kick

Credit: BetterMe

#2. Heavy Twist

Credit: BetterMe

#3. Scissors

Credit: BetterMe

#4. The Board

Credit: BetterMe

#5. Boat

Credit: BetterMe

#6. Squat and Standing Rotation

Credit: BetterMe

#7. Cobra Stretch

Credit: BetterMe

#8. Leg Kick

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#9. Inverted Plank

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#10. Mountain Climbers

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#11. Dead Bug

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#12. Bird Dog

Credit: BetterMe

#13. Burpee

Credit: BetterMe

#14. Running Girl

Credit: BetterMe

#15. Heavy Swings

Credit: BetterMe


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