7 Vegetables and Fruits You Can Grow Indoors From Scraps


If you compost the waste in your garden, then you already have the habit of recycling. But did you know that some of these residues can actually be used to produce more plants?

These are the seven most popular plants that the team of NNC selected, and they may be re-grown by their residues:


You can grow both: white and sweet potatoes. Take those potatoes which have sprouted and leave them at room temperature, slightly dehydrated. Or, in case the sprouted potato is bigger, cut it to 2-3 parts making sure all parts are sprouted.

Plant them in a shallow pot or in your garden. When you notice that its roots grow, add another layer of earth. Sweet potatoes can be easily sprouted and you should plant in deeper in the ground.


Plant an onion which began to sprout, at a depth of about 1 cm, and place it in a sunny spot. Water it if necessary. There should be enough water, but not too much since the root can rot. You’ll notice new slips growing very fast. When it begins to form cocksfoot, the irrigation should be reduced.


Most of garlic that can be found on our markets originated in China, which is sprayed with chemicals so it can be conserved and it can travel thousands of miles. Therefore, if you want healthy, organic garlic in your diet, planted it yourself!

First, invest in your health, it is safer, saves money and its cultivation is so much easier, so there are no excuses!

Although the best time for planting garlic is fall, he can still be planted at any time. Like onions, wants weed, so it is best to provide a nylon or straw cover which will provide enough moisture.

Garlic can improve the growth of these plants: tomatoes, lettuce, raspberries, strawberries, beets and roses. Do not plat it near beans or peas.

Planting: Make a hole with your finger in the soil, about 5 cm deep. Plant the clove with its root down. After a while, same as the onions, there will appear new, young slips.


Along with its root, set the lettuce in a bowl of water. The water should be changed every day. Occasionally spray the leaves. The lettuce and need a sunny spot. You’ll notice how quickly the lettuce can grow. In just two days, you will have new leaves.


Incise the top and remove all remnants of the fruit. Leave approximately 2.5 cm from the leaves around the base. Plant it in a warm place with regular, adequate irrigation, or put it in a glass of water.

When the plant undertakes, regular watering should be done once a week. Pineapple requires patience, and the first result will appear after 2-3 years.


Similarly to the salad, incise the celery about 2-3 cm above the root and put it in a bowl with water. New leaves will start popping up if you put the dish in a nice, sunny place. It should be sprayed with water for 1-2 weeks.


Along with its root, place the cabbage in a bowl with water, taking care not to soak the leaves, so they don’t rot. Change the water in the bowl every day; like the lettuce, spray it with water 1-2 times a week, and keep it in a sunny spot.

Featured Image Via: freshorganicgardening.com

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