Seriously, how far would you travel to see your mate?
Well, maybe some people will travel 14000 km to do that, but this will be relatively an easy task since all you have to do is to board an airplane and watch an in-flight movie, no?
But this male stork flies thousands of kilometers each year just to see his beloved handicapped female mate who can’t fly. Now this means to be faithful to a cause!
The love story between Klepetan and Malena moved people all around the world.

This amazing story started back in 1993, when Stjepan Vokic, a local school caretaker, found Malena near a pond, injured by a shot by hunters. In the cold winters, she stays in an “improvise Africa” storage with a nest, heat and aquarium improvised by her caretaker. In spring the old man makes a huge nest on top of the building for Malena to meet her lover.
Malena, who means “the little one” in Croatian, waits for Klepetan to start having more babies. Till now they have 62 offspring and still counting.
Klepetan final destination has been traced to near Cape Town, South Africa, some 14,500 kilometres (9,000 miles) from Malena. And this means a bit more than a week for him to do the journey.