Whole body “5-4-3-2-1” workout method to get a slimmer tummy in just 15 minutes a day


We are often told that losing weight is not an easy process and the truth is that it isn’t if you do not know how to approach it. The thing is that it is very important to choose the workout routine that will suit you perfectly and what is more important that you will be able to stick to.

It is true that these days everyone is super busy that is why not everyone has the possibility to hit the gym on a regular basis that is why home workouts become even more popular. But while some people can afford expensive equipment, the others do not have neither means nor room to fit it in. That brings is to the idea that very many people need a workout that will be super effective is not time-consuming and does not require that much equipment.

That is when ‘5-4-3-2-1’ workout comes in to be more than handy. The thing is that the digits correspond to the number of minutes spent on a certain routine and altogether they form a 15-minute long workout routine without the additional equipment involved, just your body. What is more, this workout is totally beau because it will trigger literary all of your muscles. What is required from you is devotion since in order to get the result you have to do it on a regular basis and you are simply bound to have a closer look at what you eat because your diet is crucial at this point.

5 Minutes Cardio

1. Jumping Jack

2. In and Out Jack

3. Jump Rope

4 Minutes HIIT

1.Lunges (2 minutes)

2. Mountain Climbers (2 minutes);

3 Minutes Arm Blasting

1. Pushups (10 reps)

2. Tricep Dips (15 reps)

2 Minutes Squats

1. Squat (1 minute)

2. Plie

1 Minute Plank

1. Plank

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