These 7 Amazing Exercises Will Make Your Spine Strong and Healthy!


We’ve all experienced back pain in our lives and we all know that it can be really serious sometimes. It doesn’t matter if you exercise every day, or if you have active lifestyle or you are lazy all the time, lying on the bed all day – we can all get a back injury and it can make our lives really difficult sometimes. Bur, fortunately, there are some easy and effective ways, which can help you to strengthen your back and avoid back injuries. In this article we are going to show you how to make the 7 most important exercises, which will make your spine strong and healthy:


1st Exercise

Here’s what you need to do – first, you need to lie on your back. Then, you should bend your right leg at the knee. Now, stretch out your left leg above your head. You need to grasp it with both hands under the knee – and pull it towards your torso. You need to hold this position for ½ minute. Then, do the same procedure for the other leg.

2nd Exercise

First, you need to lie down on your back and bend bot of your legs at the knee. Then, you need to grasp your left leg with both hands at the knee and pull it towards your torso. You need to hold this position for 25 seconds. When you are done, you need to do the same exercise for the other leg.

3rd Exercise

Here’s what you need to do – you need to lie on your back. Then, you need to stretch your right arm out to the side, at a right angle to your body. Then, you need to stretch your left leg out – so that it’s straight. Now, you should try to stretch your right knee towards your left side, so that it almost touches your left hand. Make sure you hold this position for 20 seconds. Note: repeat this exercise 2 times for both knees.

4th Exercise

Just follow the simple instructions – first, you need to lie on your back and bend your left leg at the knee. Then, you need to place the lower half of your right left crosswise over your left thigh, with your knee pointing out sideways at a right angle. Now, you should carefully put your left leg towards your head, and hold this position for at least 30 seconds. Note: make sure you switch the position of your legs and repeat this exercise.

5th Exercise

Here’s what you need to do – first, you need to lean on the floor on the side, and bend your right knee and stretch out your leg behind you. Make sure your left leg is also bent at the knee. You need to hold this position for at least 30 seconds. Note: make sure you repeat this exercise with the position of your legs changed.

6th Exercise

Just follow the simple instructions – first, you need to lie on your right side. Then, you need to bend your left leg at the knee and grasp your ankle with your left hand. Now, carefully pull on your ankle with your hand, so you can stretch the muscles in your left thigh. Your spine shouldn’t be bet to any great extent. Make sure you hold this position for 30 seconds. When you are done with your right side, you need to lie on your left side and repeat the same exercise.

7th Exercise

This exercise is also very useful for your spine and it’s very simple. Just follow the simple instructions – stand arms’ length from a table. Then, you need to bend your upper body forward, slightly bending your legs at the knees, to the point where you can touch the edge of the table with both hands. Make sure that your arms are stretched out and your head at the level of your shoulders. You need to hold this position for at least ten seconds. Then stand up straight and bend your body to each side, one after the other.

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